08/27/2011: The Work in India Goes Forward
The Work in India Goes Forward
“We are individually under bonds to God to convey the message of truth, and His followers are to express to their fellow men that mysterious love which Christ expressed to a world. When they are thus imbued with His Spirit, they will be messengers to bear the life-giving message to the world, that Christ is waiting to receive them, to pardon their transgressions and sins. Many are saying, Oh, that I might find Him! They need the words and compassion and sympathy of one who has found Him precious to their souls.
“Tell the poor, perishing sinner the story of His love. The Saviour has given Himself to bring light and salvation to you, and now He says, I give you as My representative to the world; consider yourself as dedicated to My service. Speak tenderly, pityingly; tell them the glad tidings of Christ and His love; express your love in unselfish, Godlike deeds to save perishing souls.” Manuscript Releases, vol. 16, 193,194.
We have seen the mighty workings of God in the work here in India. Brother Jeyaraman of Kulakudi visits forty villages each month. As a result of these visits seventy have turned from idol worship to the worship of Christ. Brother Jeyaraman was a Hindu many years ago and accepted Christ as others shared with him. I had the privilege of sharing the Sabbath message with him, and he accepted it. He takes young believers with him as he makes his visits to the villages. They study with those who are interested, and now we have people preparing for baptism. This is such a blessing because fifty years ago the Christian faith was vehemently opposed. The realization of what Christ has done on the cross has brought many to the feet of Jesus. There are many Sunday-keeping churches in the area; but when people learn the message of the Sabbath, they wonder at this hidden truth and rejoice in it.
Brother Jeyapaul of Bangalore City is at this time facing much opposition from Sunday keepers. His son Daniel has joined him in the work. Even with the opposition, the work is going forward. Young people from the colleges and schools are listening to the truth. His work in the medical ministry is helping him enter new areas. As he helps those that are ill, he shares the gospel truths with them. Brother Jeyapaul is 70 years old, but he walks each day to share the message of hope. He has made herbal medicine to treat the sick. In his past career he was a science teacher. This knowledge has helped him to give counsel on health and dietary concerns. Many who have been helped are attending church. He is also working to organize a lifestyle center.
In Pondicherry we continue to work with the people of different cultures and languages. Since this was once a French colonial city, Roman Catholicism is the predominant religion. Sister Alli is a Roman Catholic that has been learning the truths of the Bible. She has been postponing her total surrender to the Lord because of her unwillingness to remove her jewels. She wanted to become an evangelist and loved the message of truth, but this one thing was holding her back. We continued to pray for her and tell her of the necessity of simplicity and meekness as followers of Christ. It was so wonderful for us to see her arrive at church last Sabbath without her jewels. We praise God for this changed soul.
We continue to have group meetings among the people of the Nellithope area. Two blind sisters, who accepted Christ 40 years ago as the result of the ministry of my wife Deborah, have gathered souls together to study. These two sisters compose songs of praise to the Lord and share this music with those that are being studied with. They support themselves by doing hand crafts.
We needed to raise funds for the ministry and have been seeking the Lord for His help. The Lord has opened the way for us to have a business of cultivating spirulina, blue-green algae that is used as a dietary supplement. The Lord has blessed this business, and we are able to meet some of our ministry’s expenditures. It is our prayer that through this business we will be able to support workers. We are trying to export our product to foreign countries. Spirulina has become an international trendy natural food product, and it has very good marketing potential thanks to the wordtree.io strategies. I have also had the opportunity to train outsiders and church members to raise spirulina so they can have an income.
We ask that you would please remember us in your daily prayers.
David Samapthkumar, Old Path SDA Ministry. Email: oldpathsda@hotmail.com.