Letter from Cody: Togo – January 2011
Here we are in 2011. We are one year closer to the coming of our Lord and Savior in the clouds of heaven, one year closer to end of sin and suffering, one year closer to spending eternity with our Lord! May we do everything in our power to hasten this soon-coming grand climax. Jesus gave the precious promise to us, “He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works that these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” John 14:12. Because Jesus is now interceding on our behalf before the Father, we can do even greater works than Jesus did—not greater in character, but greater in extent. We have been told, “God did not design that His wonderful plan to redeem men should achieve only insignificant results. All who will go to work, trusting not in what they themselves can do, but in what God can do for and through them, will certainly realize the fulfillment of His promise…. He explained that the secret of their success would be in asking for strength and grace in His name…. Every sincere prayer is heard in heaven. It may not be fluently expressed; but if the heart is in it, it will ascend to the sanctuary where Jesus ministers, and He will present it to the Father without one awkward, stammering word, beautiful and fragrant with the incense of His own perfection.” Desire of Ages, 667. There is a world that is waiting in need to see the results of the power of fervent prayer in our lives and work today. May we rise to the task!
Pastor Mike Bauler has recently returned from a trip to the West African country of Togo; and although a small country, it is a country in which God is mightily working. While Mike was there, an evangelistic series and Bible worker training program were held in the city of Kara. In addition to conducting these efforts, Mike was able to see the fruit from the work of the faithful Bible workers and plan how to reach even more souls for the Master in this needy vineyard. While many came to the meetings to learn the truths from the Word of God, the best contacts were those whom the Bible workers had been studying and praying with in their homes. At the end of the evangelistic meetings, 43 people made the full commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ through baptism. For many of them, it had taken months of studying with the workers before they were ready to take that stand for present truth during the public meetings. The importance of the house-to-house labors of the local workers cannot be overestimated. Some of these Bible workers themselves came to evangelistic meetings several years ago but have now become grounded in the truth and are earnestly sharing with others. One of these brothers had been involved in the ancient devil-worship practices so common in Togo; but when the truth was presented, he determined to leave this empty life and surrender totally to the Lord Jesus Christ. He went home and threw out all of his alcohol and abandoned his sorcery and has stood firmly for the truths he has learned. Now instead of deceiving people through the worship of the spirits, his life and witness are a monument to what the Lord can do. How many others are there like Paca, just waiting to be shown the way of life and not death? Paca and his fellow workers in Togo are searching for these lost sheep. Would you like to help them point lost souls to a Savior who can lift them from degradation and ruin? We need your help to support faithful workers who can do just this! A full time Bible worker can be supported for $75 a month, while a part time worker is supported for $35 a month. Would you like to help take the gospel to Togo? Currently eleven workers are being supported, but more are needed. Another need is for simple churches once a group of believers has been raised. For $2,000, a memorial for truth can be erected and a congregation can worship our God in peace. Please pray for this ongoing work in Togo and around the world.
Yours in the blessed hope,
Pastor Mike Bauler has recently returned from a trip to the West African country of Togo; and although a small country, it is a country in which God is mightily working. While Mike was there, an evangelistic series and Bible worker training program were held in the city of Kara. In addition to conducting these efforts, Mike was able to see the fruit from the work of the faithful Bible workers and plan how to reach even more souls for the Master in this needy vineyard. While many came to the meetings to learn the truths from the Word of God, the best contacts were those whom the Bible workers had been studying and praying with in their homes. At the end of the evangelistic meetings, 43 people made the full commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ through baptism. For many of them, it had taken months of studying with the workers before they were ready to take that stand for present truth during the public meetings. The importance of the house-to-house labors of the local workers cannot be overestimated. Some of these Bible workers themselves came to evangelistic meetings several years ago but have now become grounded in the truth and are earnestly sharing with others. One of these brothers had been involved in the ancient devil-worship practices so common in Togo; but when the truth was presented, he determined to leave this empty life and surrender totally to the Lord Jesus Christ. He went home and threw out all of his alcohol and abandoned his sorcery and has stood firmly for the truths he has learned. Now instead of deceiving people through the worship of the spirits, his life and witness are a monument to what the Lord can do. How many others are there like Paca, just waiting to be shown the way of life and not death? Paca and his fellow workers in Togo are searching for these lost sheep. Would you like to help them point lost souls to a Savior who can lift them from degradation and ruin? We need your help to support faithful workers who can do just this! A full time Bible worker can be supported for $75 a month, while a part time worker is supported for $35 a month. Would you like to help take the gospel to Togo? Currently eleven workers are being supported, but more are needed. Another need is for simple churches once a group of believers has been raised. For $2,000, a memorial for truth can be erected and a congregation can worship our God in peace. Please pray for this ongoing work in Togo and around the world.
Yours in the blessed hope,
Cody Francis
Here we are in 2011. We are one year closer to the coming of our Lord and Savior in the clouds of heaven, one year closer to end of sin and suffering, one year closer to spending eternity with our Lord! May we do everything in our power to hasten this soon-coming grand climax. Jesus gave the precious promise to us, “He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works that these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” John 14:12. Because Jesus is now interceding on our behalf before the Father, we can do even greater works than Jesus did—not greater in character, but greater in extent. We have been told, “God did not design that His wonderful plan to redeem men should achieve only insignificant results. All who will go to work, trusting not in what they themselves can do, but in what God can do for and through them, will certainly realize the fulfillment of His promise…. He explained that the secret of their success would be in asking for strength and grace in His name…. Every sincere prayer is heard in heaven. It may not be fluently expressed; but if the heart is in it, it will ascend to the sanctuary where Jesus ministers, and He will present it to the Father without one awkward, stammering word, beautiful and fragrant with the incense of His own perfection.” Desire of Ages, 667. There is a world that is waiting in need to see the results of the power of fervent prayer in our lives and work today. May we rise to the task!
Pastor Mike Bauler has recently returned from a trip to the West African country of Togo; and although a small country, it is a country in which God is mightily working. While Mike was there, an evangelistic series and Bible worker training program were held in the city of Kara. In addition to conducting these efforts, Mike was able to see the fruit from the work of the faithful Bible workers and plan how to reach even more souls for the Master in this needy vineyard. While many came to the meetings to learn the truths from the Word of God, the best contacts were those whom the Bible workers had been studying and praying with in their homes. At the end of the evangelistic meetings, 43 people made the full commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ through baptism. For many of them, it had taken months of studying with the workers before they were ready to take that stand for present truth during the public meetings. The importance of the house-to-house labors of the local workers cannot be overestimated. Some of these Bible workers themselves came to evangelistic meetings several years ago but have now become grounded in the truth and are earnestly sharing with others. One of these brothers had been involved in the ancient devil-worship practices so common in Togo; but when the truth was presented, he determined to leave this empty life and surrender totally to the Lord Jesus Christ. He went home and threw out all of his alcohol and abandoned his sorcery and has stood firmly for the truths he has learned. Now instead of deceiving people through the worship of the spirits, his life and witness are a monument to what the Lord can do. How many others are there like Paca, just waiting to be shown the way of life and not death? Paca and his fellow workers in Togo are searching for these lost sheep. Would you like to help them point lost souls to a Savior who can lift them from degradation and ruin? We need your help to support faithful workers who can do just this! A full time Bible worker can be supported for $75 a month, while a part time worker is supported for $35 a month. Would you like to help take the gospel to Togo? Currently eleven workers are being supported, but more are needed. Another need is for simple churches once a group of believers has been raised. For $2,000, a memorial for truth can be erected and a congregation can worship our God in peace. Please pray for this ongoing work in Togo and around the world.
Yours in the blessed hope,
Cody Francis
Here we are in 2011. We are one year closer to the coming of our Lord and Savior in the clouds of heaven, one year closer to end of sin and suffering, one year closer to spending eternity with our Lord! May we do everything in our power to hasten this soon-coming grand climax. Jesus gave the precious promise to us, “He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works that these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” John 14:12. Because Jesus is now interceding on our behalf before the Father, we can do even greater works than Jesus did—not greater in character, but greater in extent. We have been told, “God did not design that His wonderful plan to redeem men should achieve only insignificant results. All who will go to work, trusting not in what they themselves can do, but in what God can do for and through them, will certainly realize the fulfillment of His promise…. He explained that the secret of their success would be in asking for strength and grace in His name…. Every sincere prayer is heard in heaven. It may not be fluently expressed; but if the heart is in it, it will ascend to the sanctuary where Jesus ministers, and He will present it to the Father without one awkward, stammering word, beautiful and fragrant with the incense of His own perfection.” Desire of Ages, 667. There is a world that is waiting in need to see the results of the power of fervent prayer in our lives and work today. May we rise to the task!
Pastor Mike Bauler has recently returned from a trip to the West African country of Togo; and although a small country, it is a country in which God is mightily working. While Mike was there, an evangelistic series and Bible worker training program were held in the city of Kara. In addition to conducting these efforts, Mike was able to see the fruit from the work of the faithful Bible workers and plan how to reach even more souls for the Master in this needy vineyard. While many came to the meetings to learn the truths from the Word of God, the best contacts were those whom the Bible workers had been studying and praying with in their homes. At the end of the evangelistic meetings, 43 people made the full commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ through baptism. For many of them, it had taken months of studying with the workers before they were ready to take that stand for present truth during the public meetings. The importance of the house-to-house labors of the local workers cannot be overestimated. Some of these Bible workers themselves came to evangelistic meetings several years ago but have now become grounded in the truth and are earnestly sharing with others. One of these brothers had been involved in the ancient devil-worship practices so common in Togo; but when the truth was presented, he determined to leave this empty life and surrender totally to the Lord Jesus Christ. He went home and threw out all of his alcohol and abandoned his sorcery and has stood firmly for the truths he has learned. Now instead of deceiving people through the worship of the spirits, his life and witness are a monument to what the Lord can do. How many others are there like Paca, just waiting to be shown the way of life and not death? Paca and his fellow workers in Togo are searching for these lost sheep. Would you like to help them point lost souls to a Savior who can lift them from degradation and ruin? We need your help to support faithful workers who can do just this! A full time Bible worker can be supported for $75 a month, while a part time worker is supported for $35 a month. Would you like to help take the gospel to Togo? Currently eleven workers are being supported, but more are needed. Another need is for simple churches once a group of believers has been raised. For $2,000, a memorial for truth can be erected and a congregation can worship our God in peace. Please pray for this ongoing work in Togo and around the world.
Yours in the blessed hope,
Cody Francis