10/23/10: Giving Light to Those in School

Giving Light to Those in School

Kenya, Africa

“All around us are souls perishing in their sins. Every year thousands upon thousands are dying without God and without hope of everlasting life. The plagues and judgments of God are doing their work, and souls are going to ruin because the light of truth has not been flashed upon their pathway. But how few are burdened over the condition of their fellow men. The world is perishing in its misery; but this hardly moves even those who claim to believe the highest and most far-reaching truth ever given to mortals. God requires His people to be His helping hand to reach the perishing, but how many are content to do nothing. There is a lack of that love which led Christ to leave His heavenly home and take man’s nature, that humanity might touch humanity and draw humanity to divinity. There is a stupor, a paralysis, upon the people of God which prevents them from understanding what is needed for this time” Testimonies, vol. 6, 445.

It is with much delight that we share this report with God’s people who are working around the world. Sharing the truth in the secondary schools in the area where I live has inspired me to a closer walk with Christ. It is a great opportunity to witness for Christ when we hold weekly Bible Studies. The schools here in Kenya have students from different tribes and different churches.

Some of the students who come to our church for worship.

Under the International Bible School, many schools have opened their doors for me to share truths from the Bible. Currently, I have four schools that I visit every day of the week to study with them for one hour. There are other schools that are waiting for me to schedule them in so they can receive the same program of study.

The Bible is very new to them. Most of the students now own a Bible thanks to Margaretha, who helped raise funds last year for Bibles. But there are those new to the studies that do not have Bibles.

Truths about the prophecies of end time events, the sanctuary message, truths about God, the Seal of God and the Mark of the Beast have been accepted by many students. The problems these young students face are great. The students have had to talk to their teachers and ask for time at the school to have the Bible Studies. The Lord has blessed in answering the prayers of the students about the study times. The schools have set apart one hour at the end of the school day for Bible studies. Because of the faithfulness of the students, some of the teachers have developed a love for truth, and some of the teachers come for the Bible lessons. In one of the schools, I hold the Bible study next to the staff room. The teachers can hear the lessons and follow along.

We also share Bibles and other literature with those in the communities where the schools are located. In this way the parents have opportunity to hear the same truths as the students.

At Hopewell Secondary School, there is a community library. Our plan is to buy one book of The History of Redemption and one Bible to put in the library. The money will be raised from the dedicated students. The parents give their children money for lunches. These students are willing to miss lunch and give this money for the project of buying books and Bibles. Please pray for us to succeed in fulfilling the promise in Matthew 5:16: “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”

The students have been photocopying portions of scripture. They pin these pages on school notice boards in the classrooms. Through this method, many students have joined the Bible study group.

In Kenya, there is a campaign to plant trees to save our land from turning into a desert. During my Bible study at Hopewell school, we agreed to help one primary school to plant trees on their compound. We are anxious to see how the Lord blesses as we raise funds for this project. We also plan to do the planting of the trees at this school.

In our area, there is one home for orphaned children. It was our desire to share with these young people. Since we do not have a constant source of income to purchase things they need, we decided to go to the home and sing with the children. We write poems and make drawings that we share with these precious souls. Some days we go to the orphanage and play with the children. They really enjoy the hugs we give them.

We have many needs. One is for a motor bike that could be used for travel. When I get off work, I have to travel to the different schools to give the Bible lessons. I have been getting off work a little early, and that is a blessing. It gives me a little more time to get to the studies. Sometimes it rains, which makes it difficult, and I arrive late for the study. A motor bike would help me arrive at the schools sooner than walking.

I have given out the last of the Bibles that I have. I pray that there is someone that would send me more Bibles to equip the younger generation with whom I work. Jesus answered the lawyer in Luke 10:26, “What is written in the law? How readest thou?” It is my desire that these young people can read for themselves in their own Bibles.

My wife is a kindergarten teacher, and she loves these young children. It is her desire to give to each of her students a small New Testament. They then could have the opportunity to grow and come to love Jesus and His Word.

“And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” Luke 2:52.

The most gratifying part is seeing the young people growing up in Christ and forming themselves into an army of God. It is our prayer that these young students come to know Christ and to grow in His truth and that this love for God and truth will then overflow into the lives of others. Please pray that these young people will be connected with Heaven and the everlasting truth.

By Pastor Paul and Susan Mites, PO Box 2093-20100, Nakuru, Kenya. E-mail: pmites07@gmail.com.