05/15/2010: Bringing The Advent Hope To Africa

Bringing the Advent Hope to Africa

This has been a busy year in Kenya. Much has been accomplished, and yet the needs remain and are overwhelming. But we praise the Lord that as we do our part, He will multiply the efforts and guide in all that is done.

Moses stitching up a child at the clinic

In September, we were able to open a clinic in a very rural area. This is about thirty miles from the nearest hospital. Because of the lack of transportation and the poor roads, it takes about an hour and a half to travel that distance. So the clinic is filling a huge need for the area. They are very busy delivering babies, sewing up cuts and treating many minor illnesses. The workers are also teaching regarding healthful living and healthful eating. We are hoping to be able to open two more clinics in 2010 in other areas.

“Medical missionary work brings to humanity the gospel of release from suffering. It is the pioneer work of the gospel. It is the gospel practiced, the compassion of Christ revealed. Of this work there is great need, and the world is open for it. God grant that the importance of medical missionary work shall be understood, and that new fields may be immediately entered. Then will the work of the ministry be after the Lord’s order; the sick will be healed, and poor, suffering humanity will be blessed.” Medical Ministry, 239.

We visited Kenya in December to check on many of the projects, and to see that the work is progressing. While there, the workers for the clinic offered free worm medicine for the children. People began lining up over two hours before they planned to start giving the medicine. They had one hundred and fifty doses available, and ran out before they could finish all of the children that were there. It is so sad to see the children with their distended bellies. We are very anxious to be able to assist the clinic with supplies and instruments.

Land for orphanage

At present, we are operating two schools, with a total of almost four hundred children. Of these, approximately sixty-five are total orphans. Many others may have only one parent, or a grandparent. These children sleep here and there in the community, and their living conditions are very poor. Our major project for 2010 is to build an orphanage. It will be able to accommodate one hundred children. We have located two and a half acres about a two-minute walk from one of the schools. The children will be able to attend the school and also have a place to live. This land is in a very fertile area, so they can have a garden; and there will be room for a play area. We are estimating that this will cost $35,000 to build. We have $20,000 on hand, so an additional $15,000 is still needed to complete this project.

Ragged children

When we are in Kenya, there are ragged, dirty children everywhere. It is a miracle that they are not just destroyed by disease. But the Lord is giving an opportunity for them to learn of Him. People always come up to us and say, “Here—take my child. I cannot care for him.” This trip, a lady came and asked us to take her four grandchildren that she is caring for. The children’s parents are both dead, and the lady is a widow and is struggling to survive. It is so heart wrenching. We are anxious to have a living facility where these children will be trained for service to their people.

Another project is to have a youth leader. There is a “gap” in the churches in Kenya, just as there is in the United States. The children and older people attend church, but the teenagers and young adults have a tendency to wander out of the church and try the ways of the world. This youth leader will have the responsibility of visiting the different churches and working with the youth. If the youth are trained to work for others, if they are grounded in the faith, our prayer is that they will not desire the world. We have two young men that are very dedicated with whom we are working at present. We are hoping that they can soon begin this project. Initially, the youth leader will work with the people from the twelve churches that Advent Hope has been able to build. As the Lord directs, we will expand as the project gains support.

Study Bible, History of Redemption, and 9 volume Testimonies.

Our big project for 2009 was to pass out a Study Bible, a History of Redemption, and a Nine Volume Testimonies (the Testimonies in one book) to six hundred pastors for the East Africa Union. They have such limited resources. Many of the pastors have five or more churches. We feel that if, by studying, the hearts of just one or two pastors are changed—what an influence they will have on their congregations! Many elders and other workers are also requesting books—and especially Study Bibles. We are limited in what we can supply, but we pray that the Lord will direct.

One of our workers began to study with a group of Sunday-keeping people. When they learned of the Sabbath, they asked their leaders about it. They said that the leaders had no answer for them. The more they studied, the more they believed that the Sabbath is God’s true day of rest. Eight members from this church, including the pastor, have been baptized at present. There are an additional thirty members that are studying and very interested. We have been able to supply them with some Bibles, so that they can study for themselves. Please pray that the Lord will direct them and that they will be open to the Holy Spirit.

One additional blessing from 2009 is that The Desire of Ages was finally printed in the Twi language for Ghana. This project

Twi Desire of Ages

took almost three years to fulfill. The Desire of Ages has never been translated in Ghana. We thank the Lord for a dedicated teacher who was willing to translate this book for an extremely minimal cost. The printing costs increased, and there were many other obstacles, but the book was finally printed. The workers in Ghana are anxiously praying that more books may be printed this year. It is also in the planning to have The Great Controversy translated.

“As the preaching of Noah warned, tested, and proved the inhabitants of the world before the flood of waters destroyed them from off the face of the earth, so the truth of God for these last days is doing a similar work of warning, testing, and proving the world. The publications which go forth from the office bear the signet of the Eternal. They are being scattered all through the land, and are deciding the destiny of souls. Men are now greatly needed who can translate and prepare our publications in other languages, so that the message of warning may go to all nations, and test them by the light of the truth, that men and women, as they see the light, may turn from transgression to obedience of the law of God.

Every opportunity should be improved to extend the truth to other nations. This will be attended with considerable expense, but expense should in no case hinder the performance of this work. Means are of value only as they are used to advance the interest of the kingdom of God. The Lord has lent men means for this very purpose, to use in sending the truth to their fellow men.” Christian Experience and Teachings, 213, 214.

If you would like more information regarding any of these projects, please contact us.

By Bill and Becky Humeniuk, Advent Hope Ministries, Inc., P.O. Box 100, Campbellsburg, KY 40011.

Phone: 502-732-0050

Email: adventhope@hughes.net

Website: www.biblesforafrica.org