05/08/2010: It Might Be Well With Them
It Might Be Well With Them
“O that there were such an heart in them, that they would fear me, and keep all my commandments always, that it might be well with them, and with their children for ever.” Deuteronomy 5:29.
Always keeping all of the commandments of God—this seems like a hard thing to those who do not truly realize the love of Christ that dwells in the heart of the believer. When we really experience the love of our Redeemer, we may live fully like Him. Jesus’ love to the Father of the Universe enabled Him to obey our heavenly Father’s voice, and it was all because of His endless love. All the commandments of God He had happily, lovingly and completely obeyed in His human nature. The apostle John recorded His words that we may know Him better. “I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in His love.” John 15:10. “I do always those things that please Him.” John 8:29. “As I hear I judge.” John 5:30. I know that to obey His commandment is life eternal (Mark 10:30).
Our mission story comes from a brother in the faith who once claimed to be a follower of the apostles’ way of life but really followed a doctrine of lawlessness.
My name is Jun Ulit. I am single and by the grace of Jesus have been called to serve God and my fellow men as long as life continues. My father is a backslidden Seventh-day Adventist from a large church group, and my mother is an active member of the so called Apostolic Church, as was I. She still worships there, but I pray that soon we will worship together in the faith of Jesus as described in Revelation 14:12.
When I was an active member of my previous church, I was chosen by the pastors to lead out in church activities; and my favorite part was singing. Most of the time our songs were not solemn, and we practiced “speaking in tongues” inside our church as a part of our Sunday worship. We believed that we were the only religious group that Jesus would save at His second coming. And for that higher goal—salvation through Christ Jesus without God’s law—we avoided vices in our lives. As Christians we studied and obeyed 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Ghost. Yet we shouted to the people, “There is no longer a law to obey.” We believed that when we are born in Christ we may have freedom from any law that governed the people of God before the Christian dispensation. John 8:31 and Romans 8:1 were some of our favorite verses. We also practiced tithing, and we were encouraged to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Each Sunday we came to church to worship the creator God—Jesus Christ. We believed that since the Bible taught us that there is only one God, then the heavenly Father is Jesus Christ, the Son is Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit also is Jesus Christ. We believed that Jesus Christ is our one and only God. I will not share all of my previous beliefs, but these were some of the important points to our faith.
Now I want to share with you how I became a new creature in Christ Jesus.
I longed for more and abundant light from the Bible. I desired it above all things, wishing only to walk in the path of God which I believed would lead me to the heavenly shore where I may meet my Savior and be thankful to Him for giving
His life—His blood for me, a sinner. I had no respect for God’s law of love, the Ten Commandments, the law which Paul referred to in Romans 3:28 when he mentioned the law of faith, the law that James called “the law of liberty.” Now that I have become a new creature in Christ Jesus, my Lord and Savior, I realize by the grace of the Holy Spirit the importance of these verses to my salvation. It is only by faith in Him that we are able to keep all of the commandments of God, and it will always be through love to Him from our hearts. (Exodus 20:6 and Hebrews 8:10; 10:16). The result will be for our spiritual benefit, our purification, our sanctification and the opportunity to be one of the saints of the Almighty God. “Here is the patience of the saints; here are they that keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.” Revelation 14:12. The law of faith and the law of liberty as the two apostles describe the law of love that our God gave us are the same. It gives us liberty from sin when by faith in His words in all the commandments, we obey Him. Disobedience will make us captive to sin, while obedience by love brings us closer to Him so that we may have freedom from sin and escape the wrath that is to come to the disobedient. How did God open my eyes to such understanding? Did He reveal it to me through a dream or through a vision?
Or did He send me messengers to guide me into a fuller and clearer understanding of Bible truth? Yes He did. He used two godly men, Pastor Artemio Aque and Pastor Nanding. Pastor Aque encouraged me to attend meetings held by Pastor Nanding Cabahug. He preached fifteen nights, and I was one of those who accepted the message and committed to live by Bible truth. I was baptized with twelve other precious souls in a waterfall.
By the grace of God, I now started to share my faith.
One day Pastor Nanding told me that there was a training school in Bukidnon soon to be opened for those willing to give their lives for service to God and their fellow men. Our church in Batikwal promised to sponsor me to study there. Together with the
son of Pastor Aque and other young people from Davao Oriental, we arrived at the training school, happy and eager to study the word of God and also to learn about alternative medicine. And so daily we learned many things which are very useful to humanity. By using nature and herbs, but first by prayer, we helped people be restored to health. I saw that God was glorified, and I was impressed and desired to share with others what I learned from school. After I completed my classes Pastors Aque and Nanding asked me to help nurture the churches in the Davao Oriental areas with Pastor Aque. I had attended the school for only three months; but, by the grace of God, I am now sharing my faith with the people that I meet each day. My little knowledge from school is now being used to glorify God. Not only have physical maladies been cured, but souls have been brought to Jesus Christ, among them some of my relatives. Please remember to pray especially for my parents and that the Holy Spirit continues to help me to guide them into a life of obedience to all the commandments of God. Thank you, your brother in Christ, Jun Ulit.
by Nanding Cabahug. Support for the work of Nanding and Titing can be sent to Mission Projects International, PO Box 59656, Renton, WA 98058.