03/13/2010: Radio Waves

Radio Waves
How God Used Radio to Reach a Woman in Honduras

Redemption Radio Station

How much influence has the radio work? How many people listen to the messages broadcast? How many hearts are touched? How many lives are transformed? We’ll possibly never find here the complete answer to these questions; however, the Lord allows us to know some of the fruits of this wonderful work, and our hearts rejoice when we hear the testimonies of the people whose lives have been strengthened, encouraged and transformed by means of the messages received through the radio waves. Some time ago, in a church meeting, I was surprised when I heard the testimony of a dear sister, a member of one of our small church groups. Later on, I asked Sister Margarita to tell me her story with more details, and now I want to share it with you:
“Wishing to become rich, my husband and I moved to a mountain community located a half-a-day walk from the city of Sico, where we were going to raise pork. One day my husband brought home a radio receiver that he used to listen to country music. I didn’t like that kind of music, so one day when I didn’t go to the fields to work, I took the radio and turned the dial in hopes of finding a different station. To my surprise I found a program called Redemption Radio. That day I listened to a sermon about the ten virgins. Afterwords, I decided to find that radio station every day at that same time to listen to that pastor’s preaching. Another day, while I was listening, I heard for the first time that the Holy Spirit could dwell inside of me. That made me very excited! How could it be that the Holy Spirit could dwell inside of me? A few days later, I went up to a little hill, and crying, I asked the Lord to forgive me, because it was my ambition for money that brought me to that place, but in that moment I decided I would give my heart to the Lord, and I told Him I would give Him my life to serve Him. Since that moment, I felt like a big and noble woman, because I was now going to serve the Lord.
“Not long after that, my husband and I decided to leave that place and sell all the pork, and we moved to a place called Vegas de Paulaya in Sico. We stayed there for ten years. There was a lot of bamboo in that place, and I put the antenna for the radio on top of the bamboo trees and always listened to Redemption Radio. There was no Adventist church in that place, but I would meet in the Church of Christ. Then my husband decided to move to another place with his brother. The sisters of the church advised me not to go to that place where my husband wanted to go, because he would not find a job there, and I wouldn’t even have enough to eat. So he decided to move by himself, and he died in that place.
“Two years after he left, a man bought the land next to mine and he started talking to me about the Adventist message. I was very happy, because that was the message that I had come to know through the radio. The sisters of the church would tell me that God had sent him to my life because he was also a Christian, and so I decided to accept him as my house mate. Some time later, we decided to move to the community of Piedras Amarillas, near Jutiapa, Atlántida. However, once we started living together, he never came to church with me.
“By that time, a brother from the Adventist church in the nearby community of El Triunfo, started visiting me and sharing literature with me, and I would share this literature with my neighbors. One day this brother asked me if it would be possible to hold an evangelistic meeting at my house, because the pastor was going to come. I was so happy and I started cleaning the house and getting everything ready for the meeting. Then I saw a white truck coming, and Brother Noel Jiménez arrived. While I was listening to this brother preach, it seemed to me like I had heard his voice before; then I found out that this was the brother I used to listen to on Redemption Radio.
“The brother came back to preach at my house several times, and the Holy Spirit started working in my heart and making me realize that I could not serve the Lord in the situation I was living in, because I was living in sin. The words of the Lord sounded in my mind over and over again: ‘If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple.’ I realized I had to make a decision.
“Some three days after Brother Noel came for the first time, certain things happened with this man and I knew that if I wanted to serve the Lord, I would have to leave him. And so one day, after church in El Triunfo, I asked Brother Noel to take me to Jutiapa and I visited a friend. My desire was to find a place to live in that area. On the way home, I met with a young lady who told me she was living with her husband again in the community of Belaire, and asked me about the possibility of working with her. I didn’t give her a definite answer at that time, and continued home. About a month later, one day in the morning, I put two dresses inside a plastic bag, prepared breakfast and set the table for my partner, and then went out of the house through the back door. I stood at the gate and prayed: ‘Lord, I don’t know what is going to become of me, but whether I live or die, I am in Your hands.’ And I set out.”
Sister Margarita left her home that day and went to live with the lady who had offered her a job in the community of Belaire. Today she still continues to work at that home, located just in front of our transmitter’s site and the place where we hold meetings. There she continues to listen to Redemption Radio and to attend the evangelistic meetings. Sister Margarita was baptized and she testifies that her life is happy and full of peace, because she lives for the Lord only ever since she decided to forsake everything in order to follow Him. How much our hearts rejoice when we listen to testimonies like this one! How much they encourage us to continue sending messages with the truth for this time through the radio waves!
Who can measure the extent of this work? The servant of the Lord declares: “Many a worker sends out into the world messages of strength and hope and courage, words that carry blessing to hearts in every land; but of the results he, toiling in loneliness and obscurity, knows little. So gifts are bestowed, burdens are borne, labor is done. Men sow the seed from which, above their graves, others reap blessed harvests. They plant trees, that others may eat the fruit. They are content here to know that they have set in motion agencies for good. In the hereafter the action and reaction of all these will be seen.” Education, 305.

By Teresa Jiménez. Donations for this work can be sent to 
The Spanish Herald, P.O. BOX 143, Dillard, OR 97432 and earmarked “Honduras Radio Station.”