Letter from Cody: Brazil – August 2009
Greetings from the southern hemisphere, once again! Although, I left behind the Pacific Northwest summer, the wintery weather of Brazil is actually not much of a difference. I have hardly stayed put in one place for more than a week this whole summer, and the same is true here in Brazil. Having returned from Angola last month, then traveling to a couple different meetings, I had time to pack my bags and be off to the airport again. The Lord is blessing the labors here in Brazil and we praise our gracious Lord for that. The first week here was a campmeeting at the training institution in Taquara (near Rio de Janeiro). It is such a blessing to see brethren hunger and thirsting after truth. The theme of the campmeeting was “religious liberty.” Many wondered how we could spend an entire week studying the theme of religious liberty, but by the time we had finished, most wished there had been more time to dive into this essential subject more deeply. There were three visiting speakers who had sermons and seminars, roundtable discussions and private questions that were asked. We all knew that the Lord had been with us and that there was still much precious truths to learn on this pertinent subject for our time. What a blessing it was, though, to interact with the students there and see an army of dedicated workers being trained. The first graduation of the students took place last November and many of those who graduated are now working in Bible work or assisting in the various needs at the institution. There are around twenty to thirty young people still studying, some of which will graduate in this coming November while others will continue their studies further. Praise the Lord that there are faithful institutions holding high the principles of truth from the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy that are sending out workers into the harvest field!
After the campmeeting was finished, it was off to the northern city of Fortaleza. It is the first time that I have been here, and the brethren have arranged a week of prayer to revive and strengthen the believers here. The theme is “Examples of Excellence” and the Lord is blessing as we are investigating the lives of seven young men and women from the Bible who nobly resisted the temptations to common today to give us a shining example of excellence of character. It is our prayer that all here, but especially the young people may rise to the occasion that they themselves can become an example of excellence to those around them, as well. Then soon it will be down south again to Saõ Paulo for a busy week of evangelistic messages and visitations from the “Voice of the Last Hour” Radio program. We have been helping to support the airing of the truth to the twenty million of Saõ Paulo for around a year and a half, and the investment is now reaping rich returns. Every week for two hours the truth is proclaimed over one of the most popular Pentecostal radio stations in the city. After people come home from church, if they turn on their radio there is the message of the Three Angels. Thousands of Bible study sets have been mailed out. Hundreds of full message books have been sold. Hundreds of thousands of truth filled tabloids have been distributed with even evangelical pastors helping in the distribution. Monthly seminars are held and dozens gather for weekly group Bible studies in various parts of the city. One of the graduated students is beating the streets, finding, visiting and studying with the contacts from the program. Men and women are now making decisions to unite with God’s remnant people and sealing their commitment to the Lord through baptism. Our God is definitely on the move! Please pray that the Lord will continue to use these simple means to save the honest in heart in His kingdom, and if you would like to be a part of this exciting work, please consider a special donation for “Brazil Evangelism.”
From the harvest fields,
‘In matters of conscience the majority has no power.’ This principle we in our day are firmly to maintain. The banner of truth and religious liberty held aloft by the founders of the gospel church and by God’s witnesses during the centuries that have passed since then, has, in this last conflict, been committed to our hands…. A ‘Thus saith the Lord’ is not to be set aside for a ‘Thus saith the church’ or a ‘Thus saith the state.'” Acts of the Apostles, 68, 69.