08/15/09: Travelling to Argentina and Bolivia
Dear saints of God around the world, Jesus is coming soon! Amen. Heaven’s mission is almost accomplished; angels are swarming constantly in busy activity in behalf of lost mankind, and we have a part in the salvation of other dear souls who need to see in our lives the reflection of Jesus’ love and kindness — may our God help us finish the work in order for Jesus to leave the Most Holy place in Heaven to come down here to take us all up with Him shortly!
As of the writing of this report, Pastor Domingo Núñez and I, along with a few other brethren from Argentina and Bolivia, returned a few days ago from a scouting missionary trip to the highlands of Bolivia. We had to travel more than 6,000 kilometers by bus in the height of summer in order to reach the heart of Bolivia, Cochabamba, Oruro and Sucre. As we started our trip, we passed through San Juan, La Rioja, Catamarca, Tucumán and Salta. Once we had reached the border city of Orán in Salta, we walked across a high river bridge to Bermejo, the border city in Bolivia, and then traveled three hours to a larger city called Tarija, which is the southern entrance portal to Bolivia’s highlands.
Bolivia has many climates within a range of forty miles; one can be in the desert with very high temperatures and travel for half an hour to a highland or mountain zone, where the temperature can drop thirty degrees or more! There are very arid zones, while others are totally tropical, such as Santa Cruz, close to Brazil and Ecuador.
Our destination, where we would be staying during the two weeks in Bolivia, was a place called Columi, a mountain area very cold and high, where we had to constantly wear jackets and extra cotton underclothes in the middle of summer! The scenery was fabulous with rolling mountains, lush trees and vegetation, abundant tropical fruits and vegetables, besides the most kind and loving indigenous Bolivian people, direct descendants of the Inca civilization who owned parts of Perú, Ecuador, Bolivia, northern Chile and the northern areas of Argentina. Their languages are Spanish, Haymará, Quichua and Guaraní.
We had been called to share our knowledge of present truth, Bible prophecy and natural health with a group of Evangelical churches and pastors in the area of Cochabamba. When we arrived and gathered together as a missionary group, these people called us to a meeting in Cochabamba to share our vision and our message with them. The one to call us in to the meeting was Pastor Germán Mamani, one of the organization’s top area administrators, serving one quarter of the national Bolivian area, the eastern portion. The initial meeting went very well, and they asked us to provide them with samples of our printed missionary literature and recorded DVD materials. We gladly provided two or three boxes full of our precious materials. They shared with us that they (all of the national pastors and youth leaders) were scheduled to attend a special pastors’ retreat to be held in La Paz, Bolivia’s capital city, where they, their pastoral leaders, were going to share with all their other colleagues in the ministry our literature and printed materials with present truth. That is what they did, and the results were very positive. Now they want us to go back for the purpose of having a Present Truth Pastoral and Ministerial Training Seminar for all of the pastors — not just a few churches, but a national convention! Could it be true? God knows and will give the direction whether to advance or remain.
Many churches and congregations were visited, and we had the opportunity to share with youth, adults and children, pastors and music directors God’s present truth for the hour; and their receptiveness was inspiring and most encouraging. Many of them told us that they now knew the truth and from now on would follow God and His Commandments to the heavenly city! They asked questions about the Sabbath, Sunday, death, the law, music and much more. We shared boxes and boxes of printed missionary literature and they promised us to share it with many others. We now have to provide or ask God to provide a missionary to stay with them to teach and lead them along the way they should follow, the way of life and truth.
When I arrived back in Argentina, God had many local surprises awaiting. One of those was that one of our missionary brothers called us to share what was happening with two Evangelical Pentecostal congregations in Buenos Aires, who in less than a month have started to keep the Bible Sabbath, are not eating flesh meats or drinking alcoholic beverages and are accepting all of the present truth. Not only that, they are constantly distributing our tabloids and have started a late night radio program which is reaching far beyond their local boundaries. Last night over the phone, I had the privilege of greeting this dear brother in Christ, Pastor Luis Fleitas (ex-Evangelical pas¬tor less than a month ago! Praise the Lord!). Things are starting to move much faster as time moves on. We have to be ready to move along with God’s timing—may Heaven help us. This pastor has been offered, by someone, time on internet broadband radio for his program. Imagine — the stones are crying out with God’s end time message of love! All of these dear new brethren are asking our constant prayers in their behalf.
We see the urgent need to place amongst our new brethren sound and firm missionaries, consecrated servants of the Lord to be able to share and teach all these new groups who God is bringing in to the light of present truth all that we know and have received from God in the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. These thirsty souls are very, very motivated to learn and practice truth, much more than what we have been used to seeing among our own churches! They are the eleventh hour workers who God has held back in position for this end time. Praise be to His holy name, He knows what He is doing to boost and complete His end time work.
As I was traveling back from Bolivia down to Argentina last Sabbath evening, God’s voice started to convince me that I had to stand right there, in the middle of that bus trip, and tell all of my traveling companions about natural health, the Three Angels’ Message, the Bible Sabbath and Satan’s Sunday; so I shot a prayer up to God and stood up, gathering my remaining missionary Ten Commandment tabloids and a few other Biblical booklets, and shared loudly the reason of our trip into Bolivia. I also shared that God had provided many healthy and delicious natural recipes, and for anyone who would be interested in enjoying them, I still had eight photocopies of recipes left with me. All of the sudden, many, many hands started to go up; all of my traveling companions wanted to have something! To make the story short, I had the opportunity to share and distribute more than 150 pieces of literature, all of what I had left over from our work in Cochabamba and Columi.
The bus then stopped for refueling or something else, and five or six people gathered around me to ask me questions on natural health, specific illnesses and their relationship with their eating habits. Later as we got back onto the bus, they asked me if I could share with them more on natural health, so we had a Bible study on health on board which, after an hour, changed to a talk on Revelation and Bible Prophecy! Praise our wonderful God, Creator and Savior! I still had two Bibles with me, which, of course, were shared freely and given to two of my traveling companions, who both told me: “This is the first time I have received a Bible, the first time I will read this Holy Book, and today is my best and most beautiful day for receiving God’s Holy Book as a gift.” Imagine what a privilege one has to hear and see all these wonderful modern miracles for the salvation of so many souls. The approximate number of people in the meeting on that bus was fifty-four to fifty-six people, precious and dear souls, for which Jesus shed His holy and most precious blood!
Our golden opportunity is now, when we still have liberty to utilize our valuables and money to advance God’s work. May we use God’s money and resources accordingly and in line with heavens plans and will. If you have little, some or much, in God’s hands even a penny becomes millions! Thank you for sharing heaven’s mission, to seek and save that which has been lost! Thousands will thank Jesus and all of us, who, as Abraham, looked for the Celestial City, our heavenly heritage! Amen.
By Billy Paúl.