01/10/2009: Fiwagoh Mission
This is a short news report from Kenya of the Fiwagoh Mission Orphanage. “Fi-wa-go-h” stands for “The Final Warning Gospel and Health Mission”.
First of all, I want to give all the praise to God for His marvelous and wonderful deeds that He is doing for His beloved children around the world in these last days of the world’s history.
“Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things, though ye know them, and be established in the present truth…Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat.” 2 Peter 1:12, 3:12.
Here at Fiwagoh Mission Ministries, we have three major aspects to our work: 1) running the orphanage, 2) church planting both in the interior and in urban and remote areas and 3) holding public and open-air evangelism with a team of ten fulltime Bible workers.
While I, Benson Nganga, was still in the US for my recent mission trip, our Bible workers were actively engaged in the open air preaching. In this effort, by the Lord’s grace, they presented the present truth to many people. They reached many, many people in the Subukia and Bahati villages. This is one of the very crowded centers in this remote countryside. They took with them their two-box speakers and ten boxes of present truth literature. These brochures were kindly donated to us by Able and Bente Struksnæs from Norway. They have a website: www.endtime.net and they produce some pertinent brochures such as “Struggle Behind the Scenes” and “The King is Coming” as well as others which we have also translated into Swahili. These pamphlets are bringing present truth to many people here in Kenya. We are distributing many of these brochures in places where the Sabbath truth has not been before given.
Due to impassable roads and poor communication in these neglected areas, many people are still in their traditional beliefs, and they do not know about the truth. It is by the dedicated efforts of our faithful Bible workers that we have been able to raise up and plant more than sixteen churches in this country.
We also praise God that we now have a twelve-seater van. Before that we used to carry all of our preaching equipment by hand-on our backs or heads or once in awhile on bicycles. Now that we have the Fiwagoh Mission van, we can not only transport our equipment but our Bible workers can reach even more needy places.
It is our great burden to share with these hungry souls the Bible, either in English or Swahili (our native language in Kenya) since in this way, many of them can understand better the present-truth tracts and brochures since they can compare them with the Bible. There is a great need in this country. Because so few have Bibles, many can only depend on what they hear from the pulpits of their Pentecostal preachers, and may have nothing to say of their faith except what they hear said by these big time preachers. Please pray for our full-time team of workers who want to reach all corners of this country and beyond the regions of Kenya, into Uganda and Tanzania.
On my return from the US, at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, I was met by the missionary team, the orphanage children, the Bible workers and some church members. It was a wonderful day for me to be reunited with my beloved big family of 74 children and the mission workers. God is great!
But, the other sad story to tell is that we lost a 14-yearold girl in the hospital. She was one of the orphan girls we had rescued from the refugee camp during the civil unrest in this country. Lilian rests in the Lord, waiting to see Jesus in the resurrection morning of the saints. She died of liver and lung failure according to the doctors.
At the time of our writing this, we still have much to accomplish to complete our orphanage home that is underway. (Although, it may be completed by the time that you get to read this story, if the Lord wills.) We praise the Lord though, that the brethren from the US contributed the full $32,000 to complete the well for the orphanage. I am now working with the geologist and the drilling company to get the plans made for the well. It will be such a blessing to have this well as it will not only provide enough water for everybody that lives and works at the orphanage and water to irrigate our seventeen acres of land, but we will have extra so that our neighbors can come get water from us and we can share with them about the Water of Life while they drink from our well. Thank you to those who have made this possible.
The needs that we still have are: 1) Swahili Bibles, 2) funds for stipends for our dedicated Bible workers, 3) three more public address systems for preaching and 4) ongoing support to finish the gospel in Eastern Africa.
May God richly bless you. I hope that this ministry news from Kenya and the Fiwagoh Mission Ministries is a blessing to your soul.
By Benson and Florence Nganga. The Fiwagoh Mission Orphanage. P.O Box 14390, Nakuru – 20100, Kenya East Africa. Telephone: +254-722-589-195 or +254-720-224-465. Website: www.thefiwagohorphange.org
Donations in the US can be sent to: The Gilead Institute of America, 6000 Olive Oak Parkway, Suite 114, Norcross, GA 30093 -1732. Telephone: 770 -270-1087
Donations in Europe can be sent to: Better Life Mission, Attention: Lena Clerc, Postfach 4, CH – 4938 -Rohrbach, Switzerland. Telephone: +41-62-962-4101