11/26/2011: Home Invasion!

Home Invasion! A flashlight and muffled voices awakened me from a deep slumber. As I grabbed my glasses and peered in the direction of the light, I saw Aluisio and Julie staring at the hall floor separating the bedrooms. Upon closer examination, I saw it, too, increasingly with horror—thousands upon thousands of army ants, marching through our home. They had …

New Projects!

We have just posted some exciting new projects that we are working on in various countries. Take a look at some of these projects all over the world by clicking here! Enjoy seeing how God’s work is going forward and how we can help!

08/13/2011: Santo’s Institute of Evangelistic Training

Santo’s Institute of Evangelistic Training A Testimony   It is with great honor and satisfaction that I am writing to you to witness about what God has done through our ministry and the blessings received by Santo’s Evangelistic Training Institute (ICEVES), an evangelistic ministry located in eastern Brazil with the goal of soon establishing a missionary training school. Luciano Campos …

04/16/2011: We Have This Hope

We Have This Hope Brazil The sight was horrifying. How anyone could live in such a condition was beyond understanding. The destructive nature of sin was illustrated clearly on this man’s face. Two tumors, one on each side of the face, were spreading mercilessly, causing nearly half of his face to be literally eaten away, beginning to invade the eye. …

12/18/10: Transforming Lives in the Amazon

Transforming Lives in the Amazon What do an alcoholic, a gold miner and an ex-convict all have in common? They are our neighbors, and the Lord is transforming them into children of the light. Xeta was a heavy drinker for many years. His life revolved around alcohol, and he saw no reason to quit, although in doing so he alienated …