01/19/2013: Crusade Versus Typhoon

Crusade Versus Typhoon Evangelism Miracles in the Philippines Before the flood, God sent Noah to warn the world, so people could be led to repentance and escape the coming destruction. As Christ’s second coming draws near, God is sending His servants to warn the world to prepare for that great event. In June, I left my home in Davao with …

01/12/2013: Not in Vain

Not in Vain in Norway In 2012, we started a campaign to distribute 320,000 pamphlets in various cities of England. During the 14 days we spent in England in the last part of September, 2012, we, together with some other Seventh-day Adventists, distributed thousands of pamphlets directly to the people on the street. We distributed the pamphlets in Coventry, Birmingham, …