Improving the Time

Adventist radio reaches an Anglican catechist.

Charles Bamutonda was born into a family that professed the Anglican faith. He adopted this religion with sincerity of heart. In fact, his love for God and commitment to serve humanity motivated him to become an Anglican catechist! 

In his 30 years of service as an Anglican church leader, Charles often interacted with Seventh-day Adventists. “I saw Adventists conducting evangelistic meetings in villages and towns, but I could not attend,” Charles recalls. His church position would not allow him to study or agree with their teachings. 

But he could listen to the radio. When AWR 104.2 Messenger FM first went on the air, it quickly became his favorite station. He frequently tuned in for soothing and inspirational music. Then he became a faithful listener of “Evening Home Worship,” a broadcast airing during his evening drives.

Charles felt his interest piqued; he could not stay away when he learned of an upcoming two-week evangelistic series sponsored by the radio station. As the speaker delivered each message, the catechist noticed something peculiar: he didn’t recognize the Scriptures being quoted. “The Bible he quoted [from] seemed different,” Charles says, “—until I followed him word by word and realized that it was the same. I was stunned to learn the truth about baptism and the Seventh-day Sabbath! I was devastated to realize that for 30 years I had been a blind leader of the blind!”  His heart sank with guilt. 

He could not wait. He wanted to be baptized at the close of the evangelistic meetings, but his wife strongly opposed this. She dug in her heels, pointed to his status as a religious leader, and shamed him for wanting to convert to another religion. “Missing the baptismal event made me feel like I missed everything,” Charles says.

Secretly, Charles talked with Mr. William Rusasi, a lay evangelist in Nyakakoni, and scheduled his own baptism. One week later, he was baptized with eight others who had attended the meetings because of Charles’ influence. 

“I want to use the rest of the years God will give me to witness of Jesus and spread this true gospel where the darkness of falsehood has blinded God’s people,” Charles pledges. Has life become easier for Charles today? Far from it. “I am currently suffering criticism, opposition, stigma, and psychological torture from the leaders of my former church,” he says, “but I keep my eyes fixed on Jesus. I fearlessly preach this gospel.”  


Told by Charles Bamutonda to John Kaganzi, a district pastor in the Ruhandagazi District in Uganda and the manager of Messenger Radio in Mbarara.

How You Can Help
Pray for Charles to remain bold in the midst of opposition as he attempts to lead his family out of darkness into the truth.

Pray for Messenger Radio’s plans to increase their coverage across southwestern Uganda.

Pray for the Bible workers and evangelists on the front lines!

Give. Needs include church buildings, Bible worker training, and support for church planters. Mark your gifts: “Uganda Evangelism” or “Uganda Churches.” 

Mission Projects International 
PO Box 151
Inchelium, WA 99138

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Thank you! Your gifts sustain seven full-time Bible workers and one full-time evangelist.