Sarah’s Life Change

An earnest believer is torn between two churches—and a single question.

Sarah’s small daughter was sick—very sick. She read in Scripture where Jesus answered a mother’s plea to heal her child and decided to make the same request. “Lord, please heal her,” she prayed as she knelt beside her bed for the first time. When her daughter quickly recovered, Sarah felt drawn to regularly read the Bible. She figured that the Scriptures were relevant to her life.

Sarah attended Trinity Orthodox church and read her Bible privately at home.  Everything that she heard from the pastor and the teachers of the church, she compared with Scripture. She started to enjoy reading the Bible, and her conversations at work became especially fascinating.

Sarah worked in an office with an Adventist and a Pentecostal.  As her two coworkers discussed a biblical topic one day, Sarah found herself listening. As soon as she arrived at her house that evening, she turned to the Bible again. She wanted answers! The unlikely trio of coworkers began reading and discussing the Word of God when they were on break each day.

All the while, Sarah felt restless. Something seemed to be missing in her spiritual walk. “What do you want me to do?” she asked of God. “Should I enter a monastery?” She often cried as she prayed. When her past sins came to mind, Sarah asked for forgiveness and made restitution when her sin affected others. Finally, her heart found peace and rest in Christ! But she still felt torn between her coworkers and their two churches.

One day at work, Sarah asked her Pentecostal friend a question that troubled her. “Why do Seventh-day Adventists keep Saturday as the Sabbath, and all other denominations keep Sunday?” The Pentecostal looked confused as she stumbled over her words. Instead of answering Sarah’s question, her friend became upset. 

Sarah liked a Pentecostal church in the area and chose to be baptized there. But the seeds planted by her Adventist coworker and the question about the Sabbath continued to weigh on her mind. She repeatedly asked her Pentecostal pastor for answers. He had many philosophical ideas, but no biblical answers to explain why he kept Sunday as the day of worship. 

All the while, Sarah’s Adventist contact told her to pray. Sarah determined to pray and study the Bible again in earnest before she made any more decisions. This time with a heart prepared to hear and understand, she found the answer to her question in the Bible. She walked away convicted that the Seventh-day Adventist church is the remnant church of Revelation 12:17.

God confirmed her faith. Not long after her decision, Sarah had a dream. In her dream, she saw someone dressed in white. He was very tall as he stood up from a chair, and he welcomed her into the Seventh-day Adventist church. 

Today, Sarah is a very devoted woman of prayer in the Tabor Seventh-day Adventist church in Ethiopia.


Daniel Shamebo Sabore is the coordinator of Everlasting Gospel Projects in Southern, Ethiopia.

How You Can Help
Pray for Sarah as she continues to study and discover the truth for the last days.

Pray for the 41 Ethiopian Bible workers that your gifts help support as they carry the message from village to village.

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