Letter from Mike: Guyana – April 2024

“When churches are revived, it is because some individual seeks earnestly for the blessing of God. He hungers and thirsts after God, and asks in faith, and receives accordingly. He goes to work in earnest, feeling his great dependence upon the Lord, and souls are aroused to seek for a like blessing…. Personal, individual effort and interest for your friends and neighbors, will accomplish much more than can be estimated. It is for the want of this kind of labor that souls for whom Christ died are perishing.” Christian Service, 121.

Through your generosity, lives are being touched, souls are being nurtured, and the message of salvation is being spread in the Pomeroon region of Guyana, South America. Thank you for your unwavering support and dedication to making a positive impact in Guyana! Your donations are helping support Bible workers, fueling boats that carry supplies and people to and from church, and constructing a mission house that serves as a base for ministry work for a large area in Guyana.

Michael and Maria’s dedication to spreading the Three Angels’ Message in the remote jungles of South America is truly admirable. Even amidst difficult living and travel conditions, their commitment to missions remains unwavering, reflecting their deep sense of responsibility for sharing the message of salvation.

The churches in the Pomeroon region had been spiritually neglected, but Michael and Maria have risen to the challenge of bringing revival and renewal to the churches and their communities. Revitalizing churches is difficult and time-consuming. Visiting backsliders in their homes and appealing to them to surrender to Jesus is uncomfortable, but Michael and Maria are driven by the love of Jesus for the lost sheep of the house of Israel. By providing solid Bible teaching and nurturing relationships with church members, they are helping to breathe new life into these congregations, making them vibrant centers of worship and fellowship. While the details of their ministry are too numerous to mention, it is clear that Michael and Maria’s tireless labor for souls is making a significant impact in hastening Jesus’ coming.

One tool Michael and Maria have used to bring people to Christ is their knowledge of simple remedies. Randolph came to them with a golf ball-sized abscess on his foot, and they used charcoal to treat the abscess. Their resourcefulness, care and concern opened the opportunity for them to share the message of Jesus. Randolph is now studying the Bible with them and learning about God’s message of salvation.

Michael and Maria were invited to speak about health principles at one of the rural schools. Soon other schools noticed, and they are now speaking at four local schools. Their school ministry has given them access to the children’s parents, and people with health issues are coming to them to learn more about the eight laws of health that bring healing to both body and mind. Their knowledge of the health message and their willingness to help in practical ways have made Michael and Maria effective missionaries in areas where access to conventional medical care is limited!

Please keep the work in Guyana in your prayers! Pray that God will empower Michael and Maria as they reach out to lost souls along the river in Pomeroon. Please help us provide funds to support more workers and more boats in Guyana! Mark your gifts “Guyana Evangelism.”