From Confusion to Clarity

A woman grew up without ever reading the Scriptures for herself.

My life is a story of religious confusion. I was born into a staunch Roman Catholic family where reading the Bible was only for catechists and priests. In fact, priests did not want us to study the Bible, lest we became “confused.” I was taught that the priest had authority from God to interpret the Bible, therefore the common person did not have to worry about what the Scriptures taught anyway. My family was religious, but we lived in spiritual darkness.

I married a man who subscribed to the beliefs of the Busingye Full Gospel Church—a religious denomination that the locals regarded as a cult. I did not mind, for all I wanted was a husband. As our culture demands I joined my husband’s church, but I became even more confused about my beliefs. 

When I later received an invitation to attend Seventh-day Adventist evangelistic meetings, I hesitated and turned it down. “I am confused enough,” I murmured in my heart. “I don’t want to add [more] confusion.” The Roman Catholic idea that only certain people can understand the Bible was embedded in my mind. Others were the enlightened ones, and I was only a simple “commoner.”

Three days after the start of the evangelistic meetings, two of my friends dragged me to the meeting place. They assured me that this Bible study was unusual. “The preacher even allows people to ask him Bible questions,” they said. 

“This is totally different from what I am used to,” I thought as my friends talked. Hope arose in my heart! Could the Adventists help me out of my confusion? When I listened to the speaker, I marveled at what the Scriptures taught about the second coming of Jesus. My heart raced when I heard the preacher say, “Nearly all the signs have come to pass. What remains is in Matthew 24:14: ‘And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all nations, and then the end will come.’ Now that I have preached to you, this too has come to pass! The decision is yours.” 

I was at a crossroads in my life. Should I heed the voice of conviction, or remain in disbelief? As the preacher presented different subjects from the Bible, many of them were new to me. The seventh day Sabbath being on Saturday was a unique thought that had never occurred to me.  

I arrived home that night and told my husband about the meeting. I pleaded with him to attend the meetings with me. Thankfully, the Holy Spirit had prepared his heart ahead of time. After our conversation, my husband agreed to attend the rest of the series with me, and we were both delighted and inspired by Bible truth!

The truth presented in the meetings resolved all my confusion. The truth was undeniable! My knowledge of God became deeper and stronger as my love for Him grew, and the peace of Christ filled my heart. 

When the speaker, Pastor Edward Biddawo, made an appeal for baptism, my husband and I were the first to respond and walk to the front. Our stand for Christ encouraged others to do the same, and 135 people followed in our steps.

We are now living a new life in Jesus. Our family has been enlightened and heaven has come very near to our home. We pray that God enables us to share the good news with others so that they can also learn about Jesus’ soon return. 


Told by Eunice Ntakirutimana to John Kaganzi, a district pastor in the Ruhandagazi District in Uganda and the manager of Messenger Radio.

How You Can Help
Pray for Elias and Eunice as they continue to learn and grow in the Lord! 

Pray that more people will take their stand for Jesus because of their witness!

Give to the work in Uganda. Needs include church buildings, Bible worker training and support for church planters. Send your gifts marked “Uganda Evangelism” or “Uganda Churches” to: 

Mission Projects International 
PO Box 151
Inchelium, WA 99138

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Thank you. Your gifts sustain seven full-time Bible workers and one full-time evangelist who are bringing God’s last warning to southern Uganda.