Letter from Mike: Togo – January 2024
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” Hebrews 13:8, NKJV. Do we believe this promise to be true? Is Jesus still performing the same miracles today as when He was here on Earth healing the sick, giving sight to the blind, and restoring hearing to the deaf? Yes! Jesus has not lost any of His power. Virtue still leaves Him when one of His children cries out to Him in faith to be healed.
Sister Christine lives in the small West African country of Togo. Togo is the seat of voodooism, the cruelest of all human bondage, marked by superstitious beliefs in the spirits. Witchdoctors claim to communicate with the spirits of the deceased to guide and warn the family members. Often, they prescribe animal sacrifices to appease the spirits in hopes of attaining healing for the living. Everyone’s lives revolve around appeasing their departed loved ones, and it is a brutal environment for anyone—including those who want to become Seventh-day Adventist Christians.
Despite these conditions, Christine decided to turn away from the ancient practice of sorcery for healing and to look instead to the God of Heaven who alone has the power to rebuke disease. She had suffered from epilepsy for several years, and had received no healing from all the sacrifices made. Everything changed when Elder Joel, an MPI-supported Bible worker, met Christine at her door. Christine eagerly listened as Joel presented Christ as her only hope of eternal life and happiness. Then he asked if there was anything she would like him to pray for. Christine unburdened her heart about her physical illness. Brother Joel prayed in faith that God would heal this young woman. Then he offered to come back to do Bible studies with her, which Christine gladly accepted.
As they studied the Bible together, Joel came to the topic of clean and unclean foods and general health practices as found in Scripture. From the Bible, Christine saw a clear connection between what a person ingests and the overall health of the body. She immediately put into practice what she was learning, and within two weeks she started to see improvements in her epileptic bouts. Christine started to wonder what else she might learn from the Bible!
When the studies came to the subject of the Sabbath, Christine was shocked to learn that something so clear in the Bible was so misunderstood. Again, she immediately began keeping the Sabbath and faithfully attending church.
In time, Christine surrendered herself to Christ and decided to be baptized into the remnant church of Revelation 12:17. Immediately after coming up out of the water, she felt whole in her body. From that time forward she has never had another bout with epilepsy! She continually praises God for the miraculous way she was healed and delights in telling others about God’s healing power!
Please pray for the work in Togo and for all the MPI-supported Bible workers who are engaged in soul-winning. Please consider supporting a Bible worker or helping build a church for new believers to worship in on Sabbath!
Yours in leading sin-sick souls to Christ!