Fully Satisfied

Three angels speak to a man in a dream.

The Tambaro district of southern Ethiopia is a challenging area for evangelism as its people are deeply rooted in Sunday worship. But today, many are hearing truth-filled messages because of the constant presence of the gospel workers supported by Mission Projects International.  A lay evangelism worker, Abayneh Abiyo Hemacha, recently visited the newly established Farzano Seventh-day Adventist church in southern Tambaro. During his visit, Brother Abayneh and two other members visited the home of a church member. Mr. Lerebo Lendado is disabled. He legs are not functional. He moves from place to place by scooting around on the ground using his hands, and it takes him at least one hour to reach the church from his house. For someone in his condition, attending church weekly is a huge commitment.

“How did you convert to Adventism?” Brother Abayneh asked in curiosity. The visitors wanted to know the man’s story. With some encouragement, Lerebo proceeded to share. Before he learned of the Adventist faith, Lerebo was searching for truth. He never felt like his soul was filled or satisfied when he attended his Sunday church. He recalled stories about Jesus feeding the 5,000 and noted that they were all satisfied, physically and spiritually. When the thief on the cross finally accepted Jesus as the Messiah, he was filled with hope: Jesus assured him that he would be with Him in paradise. Yet every time Lerebo spent his Sunday in church, he left feeling empty.

“One night, I had a vision,” he told us. “I saw a long wire coming down from heaven. Its end was stuck on the side of my head, near my temple. While this wire was stuck to my temple, I was paralyzed. Then I saw three people flying toward me. I could see that they had wings. I heard them speak with clear and melodious voices: ‘We have stuck you because you are living in darkness, and we want you to see the light.’  I asked them to take me to the light where they were. Then they surrounded me and took me to the Seventh-day Adventist church.”

When he awoke from his dream, he cried out. His family wondered what had happened to him, and he told them everything. At the time, Lerebo was a faithful member of the Sunday-keeping Kalehiwot church, and it was almost unheard of for someone to leave it for a Sabbath-keeping church. But from that day forward, he worshipped with the Seventh-day Adventists. “Now when I leave church, I am filled with hope and peace,” Lerebo said. “It is the truth spoken from the pulpit that I know brings me closer to God and His perfect plan of salvation.”

When Lerebo asked his wife if she wanted to keep the true Sabbath, she agreed. Now the entire family attends church every Sabbath, and they are a great witness to the community around them! Please pray for this area that seems to be locked up by Satan. Pray that God will use this family to reach many souls for His glory!


Told by Abayneh Abiyo to Daniel Shamebo Sabore, a lay worker and the leader of the Everlasting Gospel Projects in Ethiopia.

How You Can Help
Pray for Lerebo as he works with the MPI sponsored Bible workers to reach the lost his area!

Pray for the 41 Ethiopian Bible workers that your gifts support as they carry the message from village to village!

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PO Box 151 
Inchelium, WA 99138

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