A Change of Mind

Radio waves spark conviction and change in the perspective of a seeker.

My name is Ronal Junio Alberto. For a long time, I was a faithful member of the evangelical church in my community—until I became acquainted with Adventists through their radio program “The Bible Speaks.” Every Friday and Saturday at 3pm, Bible studies over the radio grabbed my attention with clear and convincing truth. I had previously been taught to reach a logical argument using a single text, often guessing at what the Bible was trying to communicate. But these Bible studies taught me a new way to study the Bible, comparing one text of Scripture with other texts. I began to see that I had misunderstood the Bible all my life, and I started teaching what I was learning from the radio broadcasts.

There were two topics that struck me: unclean foods and the truth about the Sabbath. The church I attended had misled many to believe that Peter’s vision in Acts chapter 10 demonstrated that it was perfectly fine to eat any type of food. It also taught that we are under grace, and that God’s law was nailed to the cross. When I shared Bible truth about these topics with my church family, I could see that some in the congregation were visibly upset. “You are teaching doctrines from the Old Covenant,” people rushed to me at the close of the sermon. “You are already becoming an Adventist!”

From that day forward, I felt ostracized. Church leaders hurled negative denunciations about Seventh-day Adventists from the pulpit, even claiming that they are a cult. With mixed feelings I withdrew from the church for the next three months. But I always listened to the program “The Bible Speaks” and desired to learn more about the Adventist church. Eventually I met the program’s director, and then a Seventh-day Adventist elder. The Seventh-day Adventists in Icoteas received me as a brother in the faith. They proposed studying the Bible together at my house, to which I gladly accepted. The weather was not favorable on the day that they were to arrive. It rained extremely hard, but the brothers came anyway, and we sang and studied the Word of God together.

On a beautiful Sabbath morning in December my wife and I were baptized into the Seventh-day Adventist faith. My wife’s sister and her grandfather also accepted the truth. I know that the path I have taken will not be easy. But I know I’m on the right track because the Bible confirms it for me. I have dreams for the future. First, that God will use me as an instrument to win souls for Him (especially my father). Second, that an Adventist church will be planted in my community. And third, that this beautiful radio program “The Bible Speaks” continues to grow and win souls for Christ.


Told by Ronal Junio Alberto to Marcos Mendoza, a district pastor in La Ceiba, Honduras. 

How You Can Help
Pray for Ronal and his family as they begin their new lives with Christ and witness for Him.

Pray for the radio and television programs in Honduras to continue reaching people who otherwise might never hear the truth!

Give to broadcast the Three Angels’ Messages in the predominately Catholic country of Honduras by sending your donation marked “Honduras” to:

Mission Projects International
PO Box 151
Inchelium, WA 99138

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