The Whirlwind and the Radio

When a witch doctor’s smashed radio revives, it plays only one channel.

Being a traditional witch doctor, Mr. George Byakatonda listened to no other radio station than 98.3 FM—Greater African Radio. This station plays traditional songs related to the worship of the Ankole gods such as Bachwezi, Kifaru, Nyabingi, Nyaburezi, and others.

George often listened to his radio as he worked. One day as he weeded his cassava garden, he noticed a strong whirlwind blowing in his direction. Polythene, papers, cloths, plastic bottles, and all types of paraphernalia whirled in a swirl of dust that rose about 164 feet (50 meters) high! As George ran, the whirlwind swept the ground where he had once stood and did not spare his radio set—which he had left hanging on a cassava plant. The high winds picked it up, hit it on a tree, and split it into pieces. 

George pieced the radio set together and replaced the batteries. It sprang to life! But he heard a different type of music now—Christian music. When he tried to switch to his favorite station, he couldn’t—the knob had broken off and it was impossible to adjust it! In frustration, he turned it off.

The following day when George took his cows out to the watering hole, his wife, who didn’t know what had happened, turned on the radio and noticed that the music was different than usual. The music stopped an hour later, and a man began to speak. The sound of the preacher’s voice reached the neighbors, who decided to investigate. And thus, a small group began to huddle around the radio.

George was not interested in the Bible study portion of the programming, but his neighbors Alex (an Anglican) and Aishaa (a Muslim) were engrossed by the broadcast. At the close of each workday, the couple listened in rapt attention and felt a growing conviction that what they heard was truth.

Four months later, Alex and Aishaa discovered the telephone number of the radio evangelist and invited him to their home. The Bible worker, Herbert, traveled over 72 miles by motorcycle to reach them! Alex and Aishaa started Bible studies the day that Herbert arrived. When they had completed their studies, they decided to give their hearts to Jesus through baptism. 

Impressed by their life change, the witch doctor and his wife started Bible studies with Herbert as well. There are many challenges for this couple to face because of their past involvement in spiritualism, but we know that God can reach them with the gospel and set them free from the superstitions of witchcraft. 

Kinoni is a hard-to-reach area in southwest Uganda dominated by the Bahima cattle keepers, and we want to plant a church here. Because of your daily prayers, the Holy Spirit is using the waves of Messenger Radio to reach the unreached. And meanwhile, our Bible worker, Herbert, is responding to the requests from the radio listeners and delivering messages of hope to them.  


John Kaganzi is a district pastor in the Ruhandagazi District in Uganda and the manager of Messenger Radio in Mbarara.

How You Can Help
Pray for Aisha and Alex as they grow in faith and help establish this new church plant.

Pray for George and his wife as they study with Herbert. 

Give to the work in Uganda. Needs include church buildings, Bible worker training, and support for church planters. Send your gifts marked “Uganda Evangelism” or “Uganda Churches” to: 

Mission Projects International 
PO Box 151
Inchelium, WA 99138

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Thank you. Your gifts sustain eight Bible workers and one evangelist who are bringing God’s last warning to Uganda. Thank you so much for your support!