Letter from Mike: Colombia – December 2023

It takes a lot of work to plant a new congregation in an area without any Seventh-day Adventists. An integral part of the groundwork is to discover the people’s needs—and the only way to do that is to meet people in their homes, on the street and in the marketplace, befriending them as Jesus did. Jesus “mingled freely…” Acts of the Apostles, 19. “Christ’s method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The Savior mingled with men as one who desired their good.” Gospel Workers, 362

In the town of Samaria in the South American country of Colombia, Juvenal Galo and his team of Bible workers are out in the streets helping to establish another church plant. They mingle with the people by going door to door with surveys to assess the community’s needs. Before leaving each home, they ask for prayer requests to further deepen their connection with the people. Then they start to develop a plan of attack on the strongholds of Satan.

Dario was still grieving a tragic family event when the team knocked at his door and asked for prayer requests, but his heart-breaking experience became an entering wedge for Christ to enter his heart. As these strangers prayed with Dario, his heart melted to hear them petitioning God on his behalf. When they offered him Bible studies, Dario accepted immediately. A week later, the Bible workers returned to begin personal Bible studies in Dario’s home.

Upon studying the Sabbath, Dario began attending the nearest church, which was over 50 minutes away—so deep was his conviction that he gladly traveled this far to meet fellow believers. He even attended prayer meetings and any other meetings the church had. Fellowshipping with like-minded believers was a balm for his soul, and as he listened to the messages of hope and comfort, Christ began to heal his brokenness. After some time, Juvenal’s team conducted a prophecy seminar where for the first time Dario heard the Three Angels’ Messages in their entirety. The thought of Christ returning to Earth to take him home thrilled his heart, just knowing that pain and suffering will end.

Dario had been faithfully attending church for some time when the pastor appealed to those not baptized in the congregation to give themselves to Christ. As the still small voice of the Holy Spirit spoke to his conscience, Dario stood to his feet. Little did he know that his enthusiasm for Christ and the truth would make an impact in other people’s lives, as well. Seeing Dario’s change, his sister Gloria and four of his other friends were eventually baptized.

Juvenal and his team are now working to establish a new church in Samaria, with Dario and the other five as charter members. Please pray for these newly baptized Adventists as they reach out into their community and launch a new congregation! You can support the work in Colombia by marking your gifts “Colombia Workers” or “Colombia Church Plant.”

Yours in using Christ’s method to win souls to the Kingdom!