Health Initiative in Gualchan

A community health event gathers interest.

Gualchan is a blessed community in Ecuador, surrounded with an abundance of water, food sources, pure air, and nature. But this year’s week of prayer and health initiative met a real physical and spiritual need in the community.

Our team visited each house in Gualchan to advertise the two events, and we hired a person with a megaphone to further extend the call for three days. The week of prayer attendance was small, but each listener learned about the Bible, the soon coming of Jesus, and the plan of salvation. Every evening, we extended an invitation to attend the health clinic which followed the prayer meetings.

Comparatively, the health clinic drew a great number from the community. We took each person’s vital signs and tested their glucose, hemoglobin, and hematocrit levels as indicated. The health and dental care we provided included a minor surgery for an abscess! We always closed with a conversation about spiritual health, and before each patient left, we handed them a Steps to Christ and a Bible study guide on the world’s final events and the soon return of Christ. We were excited to learn that some patients are interested in Bible studies! A total of 15 Gualchan families want to learn more.

One of our contacts is Don Manuel—a man with a strong evangelical background who expressed great interest and wished to continue studying. When he learned about the Sabbath, he felt divided in his heart. He believed that he could not survive financially if he rested on the Sabbath. But he is stepping out in faith now and attending church. The Bible workers and local church elders are visiting him and encouraging him in his spiritual walk.

At the close of the health meetings, we started small group Bible studies in Gualchan. Locals are learning more about the Three Angels’ Messages. We praise the Lord because there are now more than 20 people coming to church every Sabbath because of these small gatherings around God’s Word. We have been blessed with ten baptisms and more interests have developed as the impact from our crusade continues. Some homes are distant from each other, and our evangelists travel extensively, but despite the distance and sometimes heavy rainfall they encounter, they are happy about the opportunity to talk about our dear Jesus.

We hope that the Holy Spirit will continue to touch people’s hearts in Gaulchan as we seek to branch out into the next community. We want to be His instruments and to preach the eternal gospel to the inhabitants of the earth, “to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people” (Revelation 14:6). Please pray for the people of Gualchan as lay workers share the message of Christ’s love to them. 


Fernando Endara is the co-director of the health brigade ministry in Ecuador.

How You Can Help
Pray for Dr. Gaby and Fernando as they use the health message to be the entering wedge in their communities. 

Pray for Don Manuel and the others taking Bible studies to make their decisions to go all the way with the Lord! 

Give. To help reach other souls like Don Manuel, mark your donations “Ecuador Evangelism” and send to: 

Mission Projects International 
PO Box 151 
Inchelium, WA 99138

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Thank you! Your gifts sustain three full-time Bible workers who are bringing God’s last warning to the people in northern Ecuador. Thank you so much for your support of these workers!