Letter from Mike: Hmong tribe – September 2023

“When we do not receive the very things we asked for, at the time we ask, we are still to believe that the Lord hears and that He will answer our prayers…. When our prayers seem not to be answered, we are to cling to the promise; for the time of answering will surely come, and we shall receive the blessing we need most…. God is too wise to err, and too good to withhold any good thing from them that walk uprightly.” A Call to Stand Apart, 27.

Growing up in a communist country can be rather difficult if you want to be a Christian. Sharing your faith with others can cost you if you are not careful in how you go about it! Despite all the roadblocks and anti-Christian laws, however, the good news continues to reach the world. God has told us that the gospel will be preached to everyone on Earth—and that includes those living under oppressive Marxist governments!

Ha grew up in a mountain village among the Hmong tribe. Nearly everyone he knew participated in idol worship, burning incense to the ancestors and bowing even to pictures carved into walls. Hideous images and altars abounded on every hand. Small bowls of food and incense sat outside most restaurants. Larger shrines with photos and offerings to departed ancestors could be seen nearly everywhere the eyes turned. Ha was not satisfied with this way of life, and he began to seek understanding as to why he was here on Earth.

Seventh-day Adventist missionaries cautiously ventured into his village, telling people about the God of creation. The Holy Spirit moved, and many became interested in this new teaching. Although it meant giving up their traditional beliefs, several of the Hmong villagers took their stand for Jesus and His truth—among them Ha.

Ha was hungry for an education, but the nearest school was six miles from his village. Despite the difficult terrain and steep descent, he persevered, traversing the miles day after day. Upon finishing school, he started to pray that God would open a way for him to receive missionary training to equip him to be an evangelist. Soon afterward, he heard about the mission school in the city, which was 50 hours away by bus. He had no money to attend, but he believed that God would provide for him—and God did.

It was at the mission school that Ha was finally baptized. Upon finishing his training, he returned to his mountain home to minister to his people. The government allows only people who are born among the indigenous tribes to enter them, so Ha’s training and heritage made him the perfect choice to become a pastor among the tribal villages.

Since most of the Hmong people don’t speak the national language, Ha is working to translate the Sabbath School lessons into the Hmong dialect. He also hopes to start a training school in the mountains to educate the youth to become missionaries for the Lord! Please pray for the work in this country and for Ha’s work among the tribal people.

Yours in reaching every tribe, tongue, and people!