Letter from Mike: Congo – November 2019
“Every true disciple is born into the kingdom of God as a missionary.” Desire of Ages, 195.
Two demoniacs rush at Jesus, as if to do Him harm—then suddenly fall at Jesus’ feet. Jesus commands the demons to come out. Unable to resist Him, the demons enter a herd of swine. Now in their right minds, the formerly possessed men desire to follow their Deliverer. Jesus refuses to let them follow Him, but directs them to tell others what God has done for them. Although lacking an education, these men became very successful missionaries for the Lord!
Emmanuel, who has only a fourth-grade education, came to know Jesus in 2016. Today he is working as a missionary in the Western part of the Democratic Republic of Congo. After his conversion, Emmanuel attended a two-month Bible worker training session and then returned to his hometown of Kenge. Within a year, he had started two churches of ninety persons each. The local mission wanted to see if Emmanuel would be a successful soul-winner in other places besides his hometown, so they sent him to another district named Kimona. There he started two more vibrant churches with scores of members. Walking dozens of miles every week, Emmanuel branched out and started another two churches in Lufu and Mukoki. Through the Holy Spirit, Emmanuel has started six large, lively churches—in just four years!
While Emmanuel was at Kenge, Jesse Kashita, the district chief of 36 villages, fell ill. His wife tried to nurse him back to health, but he only grew sicker. Instead of calling on the traditional witchdoctors, Jesse began to call on the God of Heaven to save his life. Just when everything seems hopeless, a young lady whom he had never before seen knocked on Chief Kashita’s door and said she had a message for him. Handing him a Bible, the young lady asked the chief to open it because God wanted to give him a message. Jesse opened the Bible right to Exodus 20 and began to read the Ten Commandments. Before the young lady left, she told him someone would come and explain God’s commandments to him.
A few days later, Emmanuel felt impressed to visit the chief. Jesse told him about the young lady’s visit and asked Emmanuel if he could explain the Ten Commandments to him. Emmanuel proceeded with a Bible study on the Law of God, focusing mainly on the Sabbath. After a few days of contemplation and personal Bible studies, Jesse was completely convinced of the truth of the Sabbath and began attending church. Very soon after this, he began sharing the truth of the Sabbath with other chiefs in his jurisdiction. Three of them also became convinced of the Sabbath, and Emmanuel studied the Three Angels’ Messages with them all. Just recently, all four chiefs were baptized into the church. What God can do with one who is wholly committed to Jesus!
If you would like to help support the faithful Bible workers in Congo, please mark your gifts “Congo Workers.”
Yours in thankfulness for the power of truth!