Letter from Mike: West Virginia – March 2019
In the time of Hezekiah, a great reformation took place in Israel. During this revival, Israel gathered together to “keep the Passover in the second month.” 2 Chronicles 30:2. As the messengers went through the land proclaiming the news concerning the Passover, many in Manasseh laughed and mocked the messengers, but many in other tribes humbled their hearts and came to Jerusalem. Upon arrival, “they arose and took away the altars that were in Jerusalem, and they took away all the incense altars and cast them into the Brook Kidron.” 2 Chronicles 30:14, NKJV. “The desecrated streets of the city were cleared of the idolatrous shrines placed there during the reign of Ahaz.” Prophets and Kings, 337. “So the children of Israel who were present at Jerusalem kept the Feast of Unleavened Bread seven days with great gladness; and the Levites and the priests praised the Lord day by day, singing to the LORD, accompanied by loud instruments. . . . Then the whole assembly agreed to keep the feast another seven days, and they kept it another seven days with gladness.” 2 Chronicles 30:21, 23, NKJV. “The seven days usually allotted to the Passover feast passed all too quickly, and the worshipers determined to spend another seven days in learning more fully the way of the Lord. The teaching priests continued their work of instruction from the book of the law; daily the people assembled at the temple to offer their tribute of praise and thanksgiving; and as the great meeting drew to a close, it was evident that God had wrought marvelously in the conversion of backsliding Judah and in stemming the tide of idolatry which threatened to sweep all before it.” Prophets and Kings, 337, 338.
The Lord indeed has been working miracles in our public crusade here in Martinsburg, West Virginia. In preparation for the meetings, we rented a room that would hold seventy-five people in a Holiday Inn near the church, thinking of the attendance of past seminars. Perhaps our faith was far too small, believing that things would be the same as before. About a week and a half before the seminar started, we had about thirty guests registered. With the church members also attending, we thought the room reserved would be a perfect size. That’s when the hotel’s event coordinator called and asked me if we would consider moving into a much bigger room to accommodate another event in our room. With a bit of apprehension, I agreed to the arrangement, although I thought it would look odd having a large room with everyone spread out amongst a lot of empty seats. Just days after we agreed to change rooms, the calls began pouring in. Two days before the meetings began we had more than one hundred and forty preregistered guests. The first weekend the place was packed, with just a few empty seats. I am amazed by how God works!
We are nearing the end of our public crusade, and the people want to hear still more from God’s Word. They have been filled, but they want more. As it was in Hezekiah’s time, these seekers have commented publicly that they do not wish for these meetings to end! We have asked the hotel if we can rent the room for a few more nights before we transfer to the church. Already, some of the meeting attendees have been coming to worship the Lord on the Sabbath. Some have even come to us with the desire to be baptized into the body of Christ. God is indeed moving on hearts!
Yours in the service of the Master,