Letter from Cody: USA – Washington 2011
Are you not so glad that God has a plan for your life? Sometimes life seems like a jumbled confusion of events, circumstances and happenstances, but through it all God has a purpose and is bringing about His ultimate plan for our salvation and the salvation of others. When perplexed and tempted to discouragement over life’s disappointments and trials, how we need to remember that our omnipotent God is still reigning! (Revelation 19:6) Although we may not be able to understand (and usually will not), our highest duty and greatest joy is to ascertain God’s plan and will for us at each juncture of our lives. We are familiar that David was a “man after God’s own heart,” but why did David receive this honorary title? “I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after mine own heart, which shall fulfill all my will.” Acts 13:22. God knew that David was determined by His grace and strength to fulfill all of God’s will—God’s will in His Word, God’s will in his life. David’s purpose and aim was to accept God’s will and to do it in every varied situation of life. David was faced with challenges and obstacles like or greater than we face, but he had set his face to do God’s will. I hope this is our desire. I hope that we can become men and women after God’s own heart by trusting our loving Father in Heaven in every trying and confusing situation. I hope that the greatest aim and purpose of our lives is to know and do the will of the One who truly knows what is best. With this aim, and as we trust fully in Him, He will unveil more and more. “Let God untangle the snarled-up threads for you. He is wise enough to manage the complications of our lives. He has skill and tact. We cannot always see His plans; we must wait patiently their unfolding and not mar and destroy them. He will reveal them to us in His own good time.” Testimonies, vol. 5, 348.
We are very excited to see how God is working out His purposes and ways in an evangelistic series that we just started here in Washington. Before an evangelistic series begins, the Lord is always working to prepare minds for receiving the message from Heaven in a thousand ways that we do not know or see, but we know that He is at work. As we began the series last Friday, we were looking forward to seeing how the Lord would work. We had looked in many different venues for a suitable room, but only one was available, so we went forward, trusting in the Lord. The room was slightly smaller than we desired, but left that in the Lord’s hands. On opening night, the room quickly began to fill up until there was no more room at all. Church members vacated their seats so that others would have a place to sit, but those chairs were taken, too. Fortunately, the hotel staff granted us the use of the stools from the breakfast nook area which we squeezed in to give most people a place to sit down. How exciting it is to have a room bursting in capacity of people coming to hear and study the truths or prophecy for this time. As the subsequent nights have gone by, not everyone has returned, and the room is not bursting at the seams, but it is still full, and there are still some very interested and enthusiastic people coming. Last night, we covered the wonderful truth of Jesus’ return and contrasted this with the popular teaching of the rapture today. In a few days, we will be presenting the testing truths of the Law, the Sabbath and the antichrist. We pray that the dear individuals who have been coming will be as the noble-minded Bereans, who searched these things out for themselves. It requires a struggle to be decidedly different from the world and past beliefs, but we know that the Lord’s grace is there to specially help and sustain them as they take this step of faith. We also request your prayers that the Lord will work mightily in the lives of these special people that they may take a complete stand on the truths that they are learning.
Yours in the Master’s vineyard,
PS – Mission Projects International has a new Facebook page; search for Mission Projects International and get our latest updates of how the Lord is blessing the work!