05/02/2009: MARANATHA: Jesus is Coming Again!
“Many…will be seen hurrying hither and thither, constrained by the Spirit of God to bring the light to others…Children are impelled by the Spirit to go forth and declare the message from heaven.” Evangelism, 700.

The children say thank you for donated shoes.
Part of the work we are doing here in El Salvador is child evangelism, which includes a special Sabbath School breakfast and weekly branch Sabbath School. We take every opportunity to teach and implant in the minds of the children the seeds of truth, trusting that these seeds planted in the early years will spring up and bear much fruit unto eternal life. These precious jewels of God are working diligently in El Salvador by handing out Christian material like the “Earth’s Final Warning,” “Health for the Nations” and “Behold He Cometh.” They are also evangelizing their own families, because most of these kids come from Sunday-keepers’ families.

Children eating the breakfast provided before Sabbath School.
We all know that as the Holy Spirit moves upon the hearts of the children and they cooperate, they will bloom for Him. Our part is to teach them that the Savior is calling them, and that nothing will give Jesus greater joy than if they serve Him. The children are in high spirits. They come early every Sabbath with smiles on their faces, and they also are eager to learn new songs, memorize verses from the Bible and listen attentively to the Bible stories that are told. They also enjoy coloring pictures related to the lessons they have learned during the Bible study.

Some of the children in the class thankfully eating breakfast.
The children are divided in three groups: kindergarten, primary and juniors. Right now we have teachers for each group but we need more Christian material for them, especially for the juniors (10 years and above). The primary need right now is to build a bigger place for their Sabbath school classes. Currently they are gathering in an open area close to the church and when the rainy season comes, they suffer because they all get wet.
Dear readers, friends and brethren, we hope that you have all been blessed. We need your prayers and support for this work as the Lord opens the way. We are planning to have more programs. We have a total of 120 children. Forty-five are in east El Salvador (Twins’ Doors Village), sixty in Central El Salvador (El Almendro and La Libertad) and fifteen more in another part of central El Salvador (El Recuerdo Zacatecoluca). Please pray for and support us with these projects for the precious jewels of God.

Adventist church members.
Since we have been preaching the truth for the last days, God has been blessing this work in El Salvador. Brother Arsenio, the Bible worker, tells us, “The first week of November we received two huge boxes from the brothers and sisters of the USA. These were full of clothes, shoes, Bible readings for the families, Steps to Christ, ‘Earth’s Final Warning’ tabloids, antichrist tabloids, Bibles, Christian videos and other kinds of Christian materials. These will help the displaced people around the community, especially the people in the island in the Pacific Ocean.” This island belongs to El Salvador and Brother Arsenio and other members of the church went there to distribute the material and find those interested in Bible studies.
The literature has blessed us in so many ways. In December 2008 the workers had the opportunity to go to a special meeting of people from sixty churches of reunited Sunday-keepers, where they handed out more than eight thousand tabloids of the “Earth’s Final Warning” and “Health for the Nations.” We do not have special transportation for the church so we rented a car to transport the materials, as well as the brothers and sisters that distributed the literature.

Getting ready for literature distribution in Costa Rica.
In 2008 we worked very hard, distributing Christian literature, preaching the gospel, giving Bible studies, baptizing new members, holding graduations as a result of these efforts and distributing shoes and clothes to the poor communities. We could do more, but we have limited resources in our churches. We need right now proper equipment for preaching, Bibles and hymnals and furniture for the church, especially for the kids. “We move forward in faith believing in the all sufficient power of God,” Brother Arsenio says. “Like Christ we ask, ‘How many loaves have ye? Go and see.'” Mark 6:38.
The Third and Fourth Angels’ messages are under attack in our country. One attempt to present a radio program not long ago was blocked by the Catholic Church. Now we have begun again with the same project. Our radio program is on the air on Sundays from 7 to 8 a.m. “This is a precious hour of preaching the truth for the last days,” Brother Arsenio says.

More Adventist church members.
Pentecostals, Catholics and other Sunday-keepers love our radio program and the audiences are growing day by day. We have a dedicated phone line 24 hours a day where we answer questions and provide material to help the callers. Now we are making plans to buy our own equipment for the radio.
We are also raising funds to hold a prophecy seminar combined with the health message in the central area of El Salvador. “Our team,” Brother Arsenio says, “is a humble team especially considering that the majority of them work during the week in their regular jobs and then dedicate the weekends to preaching the Word of God.” Doing this work is remembering God’s Word: “Go ye therefore, and teach all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and of the Holy Ghost… I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.” Matthew 28:19-20.
It is a blessing that God gives us the work of proclaiming His Word and warning message to this world. As the Laymen of El Salvador, we feel committed to our God to continue His work. Please join with us in these projects, as the Holy Spirit impresses your hearts and pray that we might be able to keep the message of the third and fourth angels going forward in this country. God bless you and Maranatha! Jesus is coming again.
By Jórge and Sylvia Gonzalez, ElSalvador.